Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Grey Sky

I was driving back from my office through the express way. The horizon was looking extremely haunting. The sky was covered with heavy clouds. They were darkest shade of grey I have seen.

This overbearing sight was pretty close to how I was feeling right then. I quickly took a glance at the speed at which I was going. Brought it down to the speed
limits… its easy to float away and get lost in thoughts and not sense the speed.

The clouds looked too heavy for the sky to hold on to. They looked like clinging on to the last bit of strength they had…and did not want to leave the sky. I could see some cracks at the edges of this heavy curtain of grey. The bright sun trying to break through from underneath. But the cloud cover was quick to take notice and bring the grey across.

Is there no way I would see the sun before I cross the 10 km hassle free ride? For some reason, I was comparing and connecting what I saw to what I had in my mind. I had faced one pretty big disappointment at work. A debacle, which I had thought I had covered. It was haunting me, and keeping me negative, sad. I tried hard to come to terms with the facts and was trying hard to put my thoughts ahead of this. But pretty much in vain, just like the sun underneath, I thought.

And then it happened. It poured. It rained like the clouds were torn apart. It rained briefly, but heavily and it stopped. I could see that the great grey curtain was broken into patches. And the sun beams were gushing through them and giving a majestic sparkle to the steel railings of the highway.

I felt a lot lighter at that moment. As I joined the city roads from the highway, only one thought came to my mind. No grey cover can stay long. It’s only a matter of time and it’s in our hands to find a way to make it rain.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blind Side

Yep, I did see the movie. But don’t go away; this is not a movie review. I am not that desperate, yet.

The movie won my heart in the first 60 seconds. It’s a very simple & straight forward expression. The blind side. It was described in such a wonderful way. The complete essence of the movie was sketched, with just that stroke.
I saw the movie. It overwhelmed me. And once I was done watching a thought struck me. We have our blind sides covered so well. In fact it’s done so well, that we don’t even know they exist.

The math paper tackled me to the ground when I was in the 12th grade. No no, that was not my blind side, I always knew that tackle was coming. The blind side was, not knowing what to do next. I was not going to be able to get into a good engineering college with a broken math score. I was in the sulk of my life time! My dad, he spoke to me once on the breakfast table. He spoke very little, but that changed the way I looked at myself. Engineering is not end of all. Go do a graduation. Choose your subject, which ever you like. My blind side was covered. I did not feel like a failure any more.

Most of the time, I miss appreciating what could have happened if it was not for that small advise. Yes, a small advice. It probably altered the course of my life and all it would ever be is a small advice. That right their e is a blind side covered. You will never know what could have happened but for that small step, a small piece of advice.

Only natural for you and I to miss many of our blind sides being covered.
We are always on the lookout for those tackles coming our way. We may be good at taking on tackles in life. But it’s the blind side that we need help on. Our family, our teachers, our friends, our colleagues all are out to cover our blind side. Appreciate it. Applaud it. Cherish it. And most importantly, mirror it.

PS: Watch Blind Side, if you have not already. Mind blowing!