Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Waking up in the morning...

A cliff. 30 feet below is the lashing sea foaming up against the rocks. I stretched out, with my arms towards the sky and almost on my toes. The breeze is so strong, that I can feel my short hair also flutter. The breeze seems to be a little wet, probably the wetness still lingering from the downpour of last night.

The muffled barking of my dogs echo through the garden. I was so lost in the orange tinge of the sky this morning; I forgot to get them into the living area from the outpost they guard through the night. They would be clinging onto the door wondering why their master has not let them in yet. Their barking is growing louder as I rushed towards them… no echo anymore.

As soon as I opened the door, the two 6 year old Labradors rushed in, not giving me a glimpse but rushing to their favorite spot where their mom would spread out their breakfast. She never misses to keep the cleaned up bowls full with their favorite dog bites and bones. Their love would be showered upon me after their tummy is filled I am sure. I picked up the news paper tucked neatly into the pipe holder and took a deep breath in. filled my lungs in with the fresh smell of wet mud and new sprout leaves. The birds were getting noisier.

I walked towards the small white iron chairs and the little table. I was looking forward for that tea, the rains last night has dampened everything around including my spirit and it needed some warming up. As I crossed over from the walk way to the lawn, I could feel the wetness of the grass all over my feel. I stepped out of my shoe and walked barefoot on the lawn, soft, wet under the feet, and the tiny droplets falling over from the longer grass around my feet.

The white curtain was occasionally peeping through the black wrought iron window grills. I could catch a glimpse of her sitting at the table near the window, getting ready for the walk to the beach below. The smudged yellow walls were wet still and looked darker and brighter. The thick bamboos were almost making music swinging in the strong breeze currents. And the waves slapping across the rocks below seemed to be part of the symphony, synching in too well…

I sipped the tea and it was bliss. I savored the taste and leaned back on my chair. The leaves were freshly plucked, maybe couple of weeks back from the nearby farm and promptly delivered by the loving neighbor. I could hear the clicker of the bowls, I guess the dogs are done with their eating and would be ready for their walk to the beach below. I should get ready.

I should wake up now.