Saturday, March 22, 2014

The science of God

I have never doubted the existence of God. But being a physics graduate and a firm believer in the theory of evolution, I need some rational and proof to believe in most things. Life for that matter, I firmly believe is not the ‘Lego table’ of our God where he experimented with different shapes to come up with the world as we know it now. But some things make you look beyond these realms of proof and debate the unknown. The balance that exists in nature. Earth being at the right distance from the sun, being of the exact size that created just enough magnetic field to hold an atmosphere just to the right extent, enabling the formation of water, gases and elements, just enough to create life. By way of mathematics, its probable that this same measures exists elsewhere too, but I never did too well in mathematics anyway and this blows my mind! This balance, I believe, is the science of God.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Waking up in the morning...

A cliff. 30 feet below is the lashing sea foaming up against the rocks. I stretched out, with my arms towards the sky and almost on my toes. The breeze is so strong, that I can feel my short hair also flutter. The breeze seems to be a little wet, probably the wetness still lingering from the downpour of last night.

The muffled barking of my dogs echo through the garden. I was so lost in the orange tinge of the sky this morning; I forgot to get them into the living area from the outpost they guard through the night. They would be clinging onto the door wondering why their master has not let them in yet. Their barking is growing louder as I rushed towards them… no echo anymore.

As soon as I opened the door, the two 6 year old Labradors rushed in, not giving me a glimpse but rushing to their favorite spot where their mom would spread out their breakfast. She never misses to keep the cleaned up bowls full with their favorite dog bites and bones. Their love would be showered upon me after their tummy is filled I am sure. I picked up the news paper tucked neatly into the pipe holder and took a deep breath in. filled my lungs in with the fresh smell of wet mud and new sprout leaves. The birds were getting noisier.

I walked towards the small white iron chairs and the little table. I was looking forward for that tea, the rains last night has dampened everything around including my spirit and it needed some warming up. As I crossed over from the walk way to the lawn, I could feel the wetness of the grass all over my feel. I stepped out of my shoe and walked barefoot on the lawn, soft, wet under the feet, and the tiny droplets falling over from the longer grass around my feet.

The white curtain was occasionally peeping through the black wrought iron window grills. I could catch a glimpse of her sitting at the table near the window, getting ready for the walk to the beach below. The smudged yellow walls were wet still and looked darker and brighter. The thick bamboos were almost making music swinging in the strong breeze currents. And the waves slapping across the rocks below seemed to be part of the symphony, synching in too well…

I sipped the tea and it was bliss. I savored the taste and leaned back on my chair. The leaves were freshly plucked, maybe couple of weeks back from the nearby farm and promptly delivered by the loving neighbor. I could hear the clicker of the bowls, I guess the dogs are done with their eating and would be ready for their walk to the beach below. I should get ready.

I should wake up now.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Head and shoulder above the rest

I hear that one major business school sent an elite team to the Taj hotel in Mumbai of 26/11 terrorist attack. They were on a mission to understand, how a month old trainee in the banquette hall decided that I will wait in the hotel until all guests are safely escorted out. How did hundreds of employees put their lives in the line of fire to serve their guests, help their guests, when they were well versed with the escape routes themselves? What gave a senior employee the strength to stand by, help other employees in cleaning up the mess, knowing he had just lost his family at the hands of the very same terrorist?

I don’t know what the findings of their study are. But I think, if you are living in India, you probably know why. There are some values that TATAs stand for, which keeps them head and shoulder above the rest.

Post the 26/11 episode, there were some steps that the TATAs took, which is not known to a lot of us. Even if you are aware, reading this again will only fill you with pride that we have an organization, a head of an organization who behaves in such fashion.

When an organization which has been struck by such a devastating occurrence, some desperate measures are sure to take place. TATAs have done a whole lot for the employees and that is understandable and probably expected from a TATA company. Things like full last salary for life for the family and dependents. Complete responsibility of education of children and dependents - anywhere in the world, full Medical facility for the whole family and dependents for rest of their life, all loans and advances were waived off - irrespective of the amount, counselor for life for each person were some of the many steps taken.

They did not stop with this. In a record time of 20 days, a new trust was created by the TATAs for the purpose of relief of employees. What is unique is that even the other people, the railway employees, the police staff, the pedestrians who had nothing to do with TATAs were covered by compensation. Each one of them was provided subsistence allowance of Rs. 10K per month for all these people for 6 months. New hand carts were provided to several vendors who lost their carts. Tata will take responsibility of life education of 46 children of the victims of the terror.

A 4 year old girl, granddaughter of a vendor at a station, had 4 bullets in her when she was brought to the Government hospital. The doctors were able to remove only one bullet and she was battling for her life. She was taken to Bombay hospital and several lacs were spent by the TATAs on her, until she fully recovered. I am sure this is one of the many stories that have never been discussed in television shows, as it lacks ‘sensationalism factor’.

It’s said, that the Group HR head went with a pretty beefed up budget for the plans laid out wondering if the chairman would approve of such a huge cost outflow. The chairman remarked – do you think we are doing enough? When crores are being spent on rebuilding our hotel to make it ready for business, why can’t we spent an equal amount to ensure we support as many people within and outside our family to get back on their feet, after what has hit us.

Time in and time out, it’s been the TATAs who have come to the fore front and done a difference to a situation of misery. And they do it without anyone knowing. There is no PR team which trumpets on what is done.

One of the most important leadership traits is the ability to create people who think like you, who behave like you, whose values are your own. When you have an organization which can empathize and have a deep sense of helping, it’s any ones guess what a month old trainee would do when thrown into a situation like that.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The circus called India

There has been an unprecedented situation in India during the last fortnight or so. I am confused and I am sure most of us are.

There is a 73 year old man, who has spent a large part of his life for helping others in the midst of a battle with the government and largely succeeding in embarrassing them day after day. Is he right or wrong? I don’t know.

There is a 73 year old man who is fasting from last 10 days to ensure there is a strong law against corruption in India. 10 days of no food! There are thousands of people who are coming out in his support and I am sure the weekend may see a lot more support as it does not inconvenience anyone too much.

There are a lot of people who are taking mileage out of it. Political statements, asking for resignations, mud-slinging, dramatic news reports, corporate sponsorships, National flag sales figures and so on. You have to be on this bus, else you are pretty close to being branded less patriotic than some others.

There are a lot of people who are coming out with their own version of the bill Mr Anna wants to push through. The government has one, the Team Anna has one, and some other intellectuals have come up with their suggestions. If he fasts any longer we may get drafts from the US as well.

I am just left with a question. What the hell is happening? I am not Anna. But my sentiments are surely with him. I support a strong bill against corruption.

But then, whatever is happening now is some sort of a circus. The trapezium stunt from Anna and team has every one enthralled, but there are some stiff competitions from people who are waiting to jump in. There are some government spokespersons who are hell bent up on doing the human cannon balls. I can’t make out if the sardar manager of this circus is speechless or plain mute. The owner of this circus, is not in town when its falling apart and her apparent heir is reading incoherent statements from a piece of paper in their arena. The background scores are from media – some sing for the owners, some for the performers.

I can bet a hundred that if our media reach and arrogance of free thought was to this level in 1947, somewhere an Arundhathi Roy could have written a blog and subverted the swaraj movements by mahatma.

Free India did not get the meaning of freedom too well I guess.

What could be a solution? I am with team Anna, and the strong bill. I don’t really care if this is the perfect bill. Perfecting this bill is a long process, let’s start with one. And personally the movement should start within. I have never paid a bribe. When I am caught by a traffic cop, I pay the fine and ask for a receipt. I am sure I would do the same even if it’s a land registration or starting my own business. If we can be sure of ourselves, we are in the movement to eradicate corruption at all level.

Monday, August 22, 2011


As far as blogging is concerned, I did fall asleep. Well, I guess b’lore weather was much more conducive for my vocal side of the brain. Or was it plain time management. Either way, I wanted to say hello….

Nothing inspired me to write now… neither did anything force me to stop earlier. So I guess its business as usual.

I am hoping this is a revival and it stays longer this time. I am gonna write and most importantly post it. Maybe long time from now, there might be ‘virtual archeologists’ and they may dig my blog and read ‘em… lemme etch something for them.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Digging for gold

I read a nice little story the other day… read on.

“Andrew Carnegie came to America from Scotland as a young boy. He started out by doing odd jobs and ended up as one of the largest steel manufacturers in United States. At one time, he had 43 millionaires working for him. A million dollars is a lot of money today, but in the 1920s it was worth much more.

Someone once asked Mr. Carnegie how he dealt with people. Andrew Carnegie replied, "Dealing with people is a lot like digging for gold: When you go digging for an ounce of gold you have to move tons of dirt. But when you go digging, you don't go looking for the dirt, you go looking for the gold."

Andrew Carnegie's reply has a very important message. Though sometimes it may not be apparent there is something positive in every person and every situation. We have to dig deep to look for the positive.”

Nice story. But does it work this way?

I am not a pessimist. But then, I think there are good people and then there are bad people. There are good times and there are times you are absolutely screwed. The positive is not sometimes in digging more and more, but just letting go.

Maybe there is no gold, let’s go dig some other place.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Uninvited

Last few days have been a very different experience for me. One that has made me think of all the things I have missed out on life and all of that I never told anyone.

Death is inevitable for all of us. But as life passes by and you have lived your life, not just you, but some of your loved ones also expect death to be round the corner. Not that you want it to, but you just know it. Maybe we even prepare ourselves. The hard one to handle is the blind turn. When you least expect.

In my 30 yrs of life, I have not seen death this close. What it does and how it impacts. A son who suddenly feels he is not the boy of the house anymore. A daughter who tells me there was so much to tell her dad and he left without hearing anything. A wife who has not know a life without him in over 36 years.

Personally, for me it was a big loss, cos I could never ever express my gratitude to him. It used to be a celebration whenever I visited their house. And yet I used to avoid the visits, since I could not find time. I was in the same city a week ago and yet I avoided meeting him, thought to myself, next time I will make it up. I am heartbroken cos I know there is no next time now.

I wept when we took him through to the funeral. The bellowing smoke was burning our eyes, but none of us turned away for even a moment. And in some time, the about 6 foot tall uncle of mine was nothing at all…May his soul rest in peace.

Life has to move on. But one thought anchored in my mind is that, death often is uninvited, unexpected. And there are no second chances here. Keep your heart free and don’t have anything left to be told, done or experienced. Sound clichéd, I know. But it sounds a lot different when you say it while walking back from a funeral.