Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cut those nails, kill that itch

Have you ever wondered why you don’t feel that itch on your head right after cutting your nails?

I have, not since it’s intellectually stimulating, but there are some itches that I want to get rid of. The moment you cut your nails short, the itch at the back of your head seems to vanish. I am guessing the brain tells the itch – no point, he can’t scratch anyway. I ‘m not gonna ask him to scratch.

But this might as well be true. For sure, I stop scratching my head the moment I cut my nails.

There are other types of itches that we so dearly want to get rid of. My Everest, Spending. I just can’t seem to stop spending. This itch is scratching my wallet dry. I sure want to get rid of this one. Maybe I should cut the nail out for this itch as well… lock my credit card in some shelf.

Every itch in our life has a nail that can be cut. Cut those nails, kill that itch.

Being a HiPo

There is a new species, discovered recently. The HiPos. And before you judge me, of course I don’t watch animal planet – HiPo is a short form of High Potential. Every organization is having one program or the other to appease and provide a ‘fast track’ career path to these HiPos. The name actually cracks me up...I wonder if all ‘HiPos’ are fat and sweat pink.

Since this is a new species, just like our confused high school teachers, the managers of today also work well with their imaginative self. There are a lot of assumptions and myths about a HiPo. Since I am also occasionally ‘accused’ of being a HiPo where I work, let me try and throw some light around that corner…

The only thing in a HiPos mind is work: Sometimes managers mistake passion for obsession. If you show passion at work, the manager feels that you are obsessed with work and hence give more work…anyway he loves working, give him this one as well! Loading a person just makes him tired and it does not make him unearth super human powers.

HiPos hate their families: Many managers believe and the rest hope and pray that their high performing employee hates his family. He loves to come to office early and leave as late as possible. If there is no family even better. They believe it helps in keeping focus on work, distractions can affect the work. How prudent!

Anything goes: Managers feel that a HiPo is like a recycle bin. You can throw anything at them at all, and be rest assured that they will do it. More often than not, HiPos are asked to take up things that smarter non-HiPos are not willing to take up. Content of the work does not matter. Since they are obsessed with work anyway…

The myth of fast track career: This myth has been working since long. They say, you are on a fast track career and hence, wait for another 6 months to get the ‘right’ overseas opportunity. And don’t look at the average performing guy, who is already gone overseas twice, as an example. He is in a first come first serve basis. So much for being in the limelight!

HiPos are loyal and hence they won’t leave: Managers like to believe that a HiPo is so loyal to the company that he will never think of leaving. Hence treat them well, would have been a very logical conclusion. But hold on, it also gives a chance to take them for granted. This is surely more fun from the looks of it.

Here’s a thought, maybe it’s not worth trying so very hard. Being a HiPo in one organization is no great achievement. Be a HiPo at home. That is much more gratifying and rewarding than any company can ever offer.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Someone once said, ‘One day, it would be hard to believe that a man of Mahatam’s stature and nature walked this ground. And then he would be a god’.

Kashmir. Bhopal. Mumbai. Manipur. Naxals,Dirty Cops. Dirtier Politicians.

I am a patriot. I love my country. I am proud that my grandfather was one amongst the thousands who sacrificed a good part of their lives to gain this freedom. But I am inclined to think today, there is something wrong with us.

Look around. We have issues with Pakistan, China, Srilanka, Bangaladesh, Nepal. That’s our neighbors. When you think of it, we are not in good terms with any of our neighbors. If I am not in good terms with any of my neighbors, then definitely I am doing something wrong. When I sit down to watch news every night, this feeling deepens.

The only thing that I thought was strong in our country was the judicial system. Latest can of worms makes you think otherwise. Everyone seems to be on the wrong side. Or is it that I have missed the plot somewhere?

In China, a large section of people believe that India is a not a country but a conglomeration of countries. They strongly believe in liberating a few as well. If we run down the lane a little, it sounds bang on. 63 years back, some of our leaders worked hard on making this one country. Today, sadly, we have not been able to sustain.

We are being encroached with ease around the borders. I used to wonder why this was so simple. They were claiming and we were complying. The reason, I think is because, ‘India’ is not one thought. It’s a different thought for a person from Mumbai to one in Chennai. It means a lot different when a Kashmiri says India, and when you go into the villages of the ‘red corridor’ it takes a different meaning all together.

Years back, one old man was able to make us all think in one direction, bring us all together. We followed him, and he led us to freedom. No matter what language, color or religion, when he said India, it only meant one thing – our country.

Maybe he was different.
Maybe he was gifted.
Maybe he was God.