Saturday, May 29, 2010

1828 Days

1828 Days. That’s how long I have been - Associate # 157725.

I saw a cartoon which speaks about Brussels sprouts in a burger. They are too big to be counted with junior peas and too small to be around the senior cabbages. That’s exactly how I feel right now.

Strange that the cartoonist chose peas & cabbages. I always hated both.

As I said, it’s been 1828 days since I have been Associate # 157725. That’s all it means in an office. It can easily be replaced or substituted. The individual, never really gets to come out in the realm. I am at a cross road right now. Should I continue to be a number in a huge list, or find my own identity?

I don’t have an answer. If you find one, lemme know.

1 comment:

  1. :) Another good thought! I have realised lately that I want to do something more with my life. I dont know if it's about being just a number or finding my identity. But I strongly believe that if you have the opportunity to do something you are good at and that you love doing, then you should go for it! Like your wife's soap business! :D - Anna
