Saturday, May 8, 2010

Something’s gotta be wrong!

Something’s gotta be wrong!
Over the years there is this one truth that has become clearer in front of me than anything else… something’s gotta be wrong! You can call me pessimist, but I think this is a highly probable scenario in all our lives.

I did very well in my school, except for one math paper, the final exam. I did everything right while playing tennis, except for the first lot I picked for the league matches, picked the defending champion. I did everything right in my job, except being the one with the loudest voice when the big opening came up. I can go on…and I am sure when you read this, it does ring some cords right in your mind as well…Now I would not want to chicken out calling it luck or fate. I think that’s the way life is. Something’s gotta be wrong.

No matter what ever you have, if that tiny little thing goes wrong, it still tastes a little less than success. That drives some to do better, and some to sit down and blame someone else. I am not having that drive…but I aint gonna blame anyone either.

I read, which let me tell you is a rare occasion… about Styx, the river. And it struck a string in my mind, little different from what the myth is all about… Styx is the river we are all in, all the goodness on one bank and the painful experience on the other…we have got to swim on or choose to drown…

Maybe that’s why I always trust the moderate. Living a moderate life is not about living an average life, but being ready for that one thing that would go wrong.

Cos, no matter what you say, something’s gotta be wrong.


  1. This reminds me of the proverbial missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle.
    Keep swimming in the Styx. I for one can barely stay afloat!

  2. As for the tiny little thing that has to go wrong upsetting all plans, as they say- there's many a slip between the cup and the lip!
